T’iis Ts’ozi Bi’Olta Remote Learning Plan
School Information

Download PDF Full Letter Above Link
November 5, 2024
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We want to ensure we’re ready for upcoming inclement weather or other emergencies that will warrant students and staff to participate in remote platform learning day(s). Please read below for more information. If you have any questions, please contact the school at (505) 786-6160.
Nina Begay, NBCT
Assistant Principal/Acting Principal
What can be done to be ready.
- Devices – Parents, be sure the device is charged for the start of the school day & make sure your child(ren) bring back devices to school. Teachers will have students download work directly onto their laptops to access without internet connection if we’re preparing for weather related days.
- No Device- If your child doesn’t have a device yet (new students), teachers will provide work packets. Kindergarten students will take home packets instead of devices. If your child was absent or checked out early, the attached choice board options will be the assigned work to complete. ***If school closure is NOT weather related, a One Call message will go out to inform families of designated time devices can be picked up.***
- Messages – The television stations KOAT (channel 7), KOB (channel 4) and KRQE (channel 13) announce school closures. All school cancellation announcements will be announced no later than 6:15 AM. In the event a delay is upgraded to a cancellation, that cancellation will be announced no later than 7:30 AM. A school closure indicates we have moved into a remote learning for the day. One Call Now, an automated calling system, will contact families within minutes. (Please make sure your number is updated with the school registrar to ensure you’re receiving our One Call messages.)
- School Assignments- Teachers will set up a 1-hour virtual Meeting through Schoology (The big blue button) which also has a 1-800 number for those without internet access, promptly at 8:00am. Teachers will review work expectations for the day. After the virtual meeting, students must complete their assignments. Kindergarten students will complete work packets to turn into the teacher. If your child doesn’t have a packet or a device, they must complete the choice board activities to turn into the teacher. All work must be turned in to be counted present for the day.
- Contacting the Teacher- Your child’s teacher will be available by email to help during school hours of 8:00am-3:00pm (Monday-Thursday) and 8:00am-12:30pm (Friday). Staff emails are located on our website at https://tto.bie.edu/our-school/our-team
- Attendance- Attendance is taken promptly at 8:00am. If students enter after 8:10am, they’ll be marked tardy for the day. If your child is ill, please inform your teacher. Students can attend their 8:00am virtual meeting by calling the 1-800 number provided by the teacher if you don’t have internet access. Kindergarten students will not attend a virtual meeting and must turn in their completed work packet to be counted present for the day.
- Internet Access- Campus outdoor Wi-Fi is available if needed. The following are available options for those without a device or internet access, 1. Use the 1-800 number to participate in virtual class meeting at 8:00am, 2. Work is saved on the device, 3. Work packets, and 4. Choice board activities.
- Sack Lunches: There’s a possibility transportation driver(s) may distribute sack lunches to areas for distribution. A One-Call message will be sent out if this happens.
- Dormitory students-Dormitory students will have their device and/or work packets to complete and be supervised by dormitory staff. They will attend their virtual meetings.
- Choice Board Work-The attached choice board options for each grade level are available if your child doesn’t have a device or work packet to complete and turn in to be counted present for the day. (Download PDF Full Letter Above for Choice Board Work)
Thank you