T'iis Ts'ozi Bi'Olta Principal News March 5, 2025

Good evening, hope all is well.
This week we had referrals to my office from middle school that i want to makeyou all aware of, the first is Vape Pens, students have seen students with this device & passing it to otherstudents to smoke; and the other is Cyber Bullying on Social media sites like Instagram and TikTok, pleasemonitor your child/rens bags & phones. These are important topics because these go against our schoolpolicies and students can be suspended for this.
On a good note, we have a week and half left before Spring Break! Teachers will be working on grades because 3rdquarter ends on March 12th. If students have make up work they need to submit them ASAP. These report cards will bereviewed during Parent Teacher conferences on March 26th. Any questions, concerns or positive comments please letme know. Thanks for reading,
Ms. Whitehair, Principal
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